Mange står i et stort skift - måske gælder det også dig. Måske er du fortvivlet og har mistet håbet. Der er lige nu en tid, hvor der i højere grad, kaldes på de mennesker, der bærer på helbredende kræfter, og ønsker at være fakkelbærere. Sådan en person er Jerry!
På dette unikke weekend-kursus vil der laves individuelle indvielsesceremonier. Hver deltager vil få hjælp gennem 'HEART-MIND connection processen', til at gøre dine personlige evner, gaver og kraft mere tydelig. Ceremonier betragtes som en meget vigtig del af de overgange, vi som mennesker gennemgår.
Uanset hvilke gaver du er i besiddelse af nu; klarsyn, helbredelse med berøring, poesi, musik, sang mm. vil du blive indviet, gennem personlig ceremoni, så det arbejde der kaldes på , igennem dig, er for det højeste bedste.
Jerrys egen beskrivelse på engelsk:
Considering what the world has been through in the last 6 months, we are presented with an opportunity to step into our power through this transition period of the new era we are entering on our planet.
Jerry Dunson Buffalospirit, and his wife Alexandre will guide us through this healingworkshop.
As we sum up the courage to let go of old ways , adapting new vibrations, we transcend into the 5 steps of grieving.
Once we have come to acceptance, we have to work with the heart/mind emotions/thoughts connexion to come to a new vibration that opens up to initiation.
Ii’s a proven fact that the words in our languages that we speak will dictate the outcome of our future because the words hold certain frequencies and vibrations in them. For example in the Navajo langage they have a phrase, HOJON, in Lakota, it’s MITAKUYE OYASIN. HOJON is in everything we do from the time we get up to the time we go to bed. MITAKUYE OYASIN is the same. In many traditions you will find these prayers and words. And once we get to this point of deep understanding of this then we are ready for initiation.
In most of our native cultures initiation is very important, so important that a whole village would participate in a becoming a woman ceremony for a teenage girl. As Native people initiation is fundamental in our lives.
Regarding spirituality one must have the understanding of the heart/mind, emotions/thoughts concept in order to run ceremonies. In these time we will spend together, we will explore introducing people to a great power that lies within them that has not been opened yet. Through the phrases and spiritual words, the sacred songs, the drums we will begin our journey towards true initiation from the only one that is qualified to initiate, The Creator, WAKAN TANKA, which goes by many names and many cultures, but still the same one, THE ONE.
We will do a ceremony to initiate each and every one of the people there, to help them through this process of heart-mind connexion.
The ceremony is very important for all the people who can possibly come, whatever gifts that they find themselves possessing now, clairvoyancy, healing with touch, poetry, music, singing… they will be initiated by the Great Spirit through the ceremony to work for God in these times that are upon us.
The ceremony is very important for all the people who can possibly come, whatever gifts that they find themselves possessing now, clairvoyancy, healing with touch, poetry, music, singing… they will be initiated by the Great Spirit through the ceremony to work for God in these times that are upon us.
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