TAG MED, og du vil få en masse viden og lærdom med dig hjem:
Lær at lytte mere til din intuition
Lær at stole på dine fornemmelser
Få hjælp til at finde din særlige 'kanal'
Få vækket din indre intuition
Åbne mere op for dine clairvoyante evner
Få hjælp til at kunne navigere mere sikkert i dine livsveje
Mærk indre healing og skab balance
Skab balance i kroppen
Få hjælp til at gøre din sjæl stærkere
Chris skriver: This is an in depth workshop on how to identify ways for each individual to open up their intuition and psychic abilities, and learn how to trust them, so that they can become reliable tools in daily life for both yourself and others.
There are many different way to receive information and guidance. Each person has their own individual channels, and it’s essential find out which ones work best for you, so that your natural psychic channels are known to you.
Children naturally have access to their intuition and instincts, but in the process of growing up and adapting to the world around them, many lose touch with these valuable sources of guidance and wisdom.
In this workshop we will reawaken them.
We will focus on opening up the ability to know with clarity: Knowing what is best for yourself, what is best for others, what course of action to take in a certain situation, and what to expect in the near future. These abilities are especially important in these times of great changes on our planet.
Having these abilities and skills awakened is empowering and can help you navigate through life.
Ultimately, when guidance comes from a clean and enlightened place, when it resonates with the heart, and touches you on the level of the soul, it becomes more than guidance, it becomes healing.
Shamanisme er en oprindelig og autentisk spirituel vej til at finde sin egen kraft, udvide sin bevidsthed, til opvågning og healing.
Chris arbejder med en række shamanistiske metoder: Clairvoyance, åndelige vejledere, shamanistisk healing, åbne for kanaler, god jordforbindelse og brug af intuition.
Undervisningen giver redskaber til at åbne for dine kanaler som vil styrke din intuition og clairvoyante evner. Vi vil også bygge bro mellem den fysiske og den spirituelle verden, mellem krop og sind, og dermed skabe større balance i dig.
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