18. - 20. april

The Shaman as Peacemaker med Chris Lüttichau

Discover the secrets to live in harmony with yourself and others.

The workshop will include sacred ceremonies and initiation into the art of peace, empowering you to embody these teachings in your daily life.

The teaching will take place in easy-to-understand English. Chris can also speak Danish.

The teaching is based on Chris' 35 years of direct study with indigenous peoples who have kept their teachings of heart-based thinking and living alive for many generations. Here, living is considered to be a high art, which you can learn to master by listening to and using this ancient wisdom in your daily life.

PRICE DKK 3.800,- DEPOSIT: 1.800,- 

Here are 10 points of what you can expect to gain from this workshop:

  1. Understanding the secrets to living in harmony with yourself and others: You will discover the timeless wisdom and practices of ancient shamanic cultures that have been passed down through generations.

  2. Insights into the role of the shaman as a peacekeeper and peacemaker: You will gain a deeper understanding of the traditional core tasks of the shaman and how they can be applied to create harmony between the worlds, human beings, nature, and within oneself.

  3. A foundation for manifesting peace: You will embark on an inner healing process to establish a foundation for manifesting peace in your life.

  4. Healing and transformation of old wounds: You will learn how to draw on the natural world's energies to heal and transform old wounds that hinder your path to peace.

  5. Sacred ceremonies and initiations: You will participate in sacred ceremonies and initiations that will empower you to embody these teachings in your daily life.

  6. Tools for creating harmony: You will gain practical tools and techniques for creating harmony between the worlds, human beings, nature, and within oneself.

  7. Personal growth and transformation: You will experience personal growth and transformation as you work through the healing process and learn new ways to approach peace and harmony.

  8. Increased self-awareness: You will gain greater self-awareness and understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

  9. Empowerment to embody peace: You will be empowered to embody these teachings in your daily life and become a force for peace and harmony in your community.

  10. A deeper connection to nature and the world: You will develop a deeper connection to nature and the world, and learn how to tap into its energies to support your own healing and growth.

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Explanation from chris:
Amongst traditional shamanic cultures, deeply rooted in ancient understanding of the heart and the mind of the human, there are stories, legends, teachings, and practices on how to live in peace. Some shamanic tribes have lived according to the principles of peace, respect and harmony for hundreds of years, keeping the old ways alive.

Based on these principles, this workshop offers deep, transformational teachings on the role of the shaman as peacekeeper and peacemaker. Creating, maintaining and ensure harmony between the worlds, between human beings and nature, amongst the humans themselves, and within the individual; these are some of the traditional core tasks of the shaman.

You will embark upon a journey of inner healing in order to create a foundation from which you can manifest the state of mind which is peace. Drawing on the powers of nature, this workshop offers ways to heal and transform old wounds that stand in the way of peace. It includes ceremonies and initiation into an understanding and an embodiment of the teachings on the high art of peace.



Shamanism is an original and authentic spiritual path to find one's own power, to expand one's consciousness, to awakening and healing.

Chris works with a variety of shamanic methods:  Ceremonies, spirit guides, shamanic healing, open channels, good grounding and nature.

You will explore the traditional core tasks of the shaman, including creating harmony between the worlds, human beings, nature and within oneself.

You wanna join?

Eagleroad Kususcenter. Krogdalsvej 10. 8660 Skanderborg.

18 - 20 April 2025 (Eater)
Start Friday at 7pm and ends on Sunday at approx. 4 p.m.

The teaching will take place in easy-to-understand English. Chris can also speak Danish.

PRICE DKK 3.800,- DEPOSIT: 1.800,- 
Reg nr 9255 - konto nr. 2640081319 (tekst SPM + dit navn).

Incl. VAT, materials, teaching, ceremony, full vegetarian catering and accommodation.

(Note: the deposit is only refunded if the course is cancelled).

Bring your own duvet/pillow, toiletries etc. Blanket, stationery, notebook, drinking bottle and comfortable clothes for both inside and outside.

Welcome and we look forward to seeing you at Eagleroad!









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