🌱 How to mothering our self in this adult life?
🌱 Tools to support and heal the family energy line?
🌱 How to find the right place in the family energy and how to navigate?
🌱 To discover your personal medicine, wisdom and healing abilities.
🌱 How to have stability and mindfulness in your daily
🌱 To direct your original spiritual abilities through your awareness, intention and perception.
🌱 How to change the destructive patterns in the family line, friendships, partnerships, career, relationship with yourself and with your past.
🌱 To be aware of your emotions, past-presence-future and using the emotional power.
We will work individual and in teams.
Each of the training is dedicated to specific shamanic rituals, ceremonies and specific themes:
“ Eagle and Condor” training:
Insight, inner strength. Observing and realization, first solution, different realities, on-ending reality.
“Condor and Wolf” training:
Old, non-beneficial habit, emotions, behavior and pattern transforming into to the beneficial supportive habit.
“Wolf” training:
New emotions, intuition, insight, desires, creation and new self-development.
“Bear” training:
How to stand on your 2 feet without hurting yourself and your loved ones. Opening the heart again, start trusting yourself and others.
“Bear and Owl” training (precise awareness):
Synchronized linage = willing to change or willing to be aware of. Transformation takes place through "Selfrealization".
We look forward to meeting you at this course
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