Chris Lüttichau: Strong heart 12. - 14. aug.

Du får en køreplan til mere modstandskraft og indre styrke.
Undervisningen er baseret på Chris' 35 års direkte studie hos oprindelige folk, som har holdt deres lærdom om hjerte-baseret tankegang og levevis i live gennem mange generationer. Her bliver det at leve anset for at være en høj kunstart, som man kan lære at mestre ved at lytte til og bruge denne ældgamle visdom i sin dagligdag.
This is a hands-on workshop on how to bounce back, find your strength and your own centre, when faced with challenges.
Participants will be given guidance based on ancient time-proven methods on how to adapt to changes in a world that is transforming rapidly. One of the key themes will be how to develop and embody resilience, something that indigenous peoples have had to discover over the last 600 years. There will be methods for how to cope with stress, and how to live in harmony with the world around you, even if that world is changing.
This workshop offers tools on finding the strength inside yourself, and overcoming feelings of being powerless and helpless when faced with adversity.
You will be guided on how to work with difficult situations, and accessing the resources and the ability to cope with whatever life brings. Adversity is part of life, and can be a stepping stone to empowerment, and with the proper approach, it can lead to growth, expansion and homecoming: knowing your true self.
As a part of this roadmap, you will learn how to awaken your instincts and intuition so that you can access guidance for yourself and others when needed.
The teachings are based on the medicine wheel.
Afslutning: Søndag den 14. august kl. 16
3.400 kr.
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