5. februar kl. 19 * Totem-animals & drum-journey

A unique and enriching evening with Jerry, where he shares his in-depth knowledge of totem animals and power animals.

Totem animals, also called spirit animals, power animals or totem helpers, act as spiritual guides who represent certain characteristics and qualities. These animals have an important meaning in many cultural and spiritual traditions, as they are considered to protect and guide both individuals and groups. Totem animals exist both in the visible world and in the spirit world.


In the spirit world, totem animals symbolize a deeper connection to nature and its wisdom. They act as spiritual protectors, guiding the soul along the path of life. When a person forms a bond with a totem animal, a spiritual connection is created that extends beyond the animal's physical existence. It is said that the totem animal acts as an extension of the person's soul and offers guidance in spiritual matters.

Each individual may have their own personal totem animal, but these animals may also represent families, tribes or clans. Totem animals help explore one's inner nature and strengths as well as provide guidance in important life decisions. For example, if a person's totem animal is the wolf, they may identify with qualities such as loyalty, courage and sociability and work towards developing these traits in their lives.

From 7 to 9.30 PM

For all persons over 15 years. Maximum 25 participants.
